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The Zardian

Literature & Lore



Greetings and salutations fellow bookworm! At long last, our inquiring minds meet again! It has been over a decade since we last congregated at Maya's Librarium. Seeing you again has certainly brought back many wonderful and nostalgic memories of the times we probed the inner minds' of the men, women, and moglins behind the AE games. Now that we are finally back together, we must continue our quest for answers! After countless years of collecting dust in the back of the Librarium, I have personally "dry-cleaned" all copies of The Zardian to ensure a safe, dust-free reading experience. Why? You may ask. The last time the Librarium had a workplace accident happened when Xan visited to borrow an old tome from the 'Unpopular Demand' section. The thick cloud of dust from the dusty old tome triggered his pyromaniacal sneeze, which set the entire bookshelf alight! Fortunately, parts of the Librarium were covered by Gravelyn's Unlife Insurance Bond. Unfortunately, paper isn't fireproof, but I heard Warlic is working on a solution. Anyhow, that is a story for another time! To get you started on your journey, have a quick read of the introductory guide below.

The E-Zine is an archival collection of the original e-magazine which ran from 2007-2010. Here, you will find the majority of the e-zine's content. There are over 40 issues and 500 articles for you to discover! Almost all articles are accounted for, with 1% succumbing to Pae's digestive tract. The team is actively working hard each week to deliver the remaining issues and articles for you to enjoy! Until then, we hope you find the articles you are looking for!

The Librarium is a collection of other literary pieces across all AE Games that were not featured in the original E-Zine. After all, it has been over a decade since The Zardian's last publication. There are many fascinating stories and adventures throughout Lore that Maya has archived in her Librarium. Here, you will find a selection of books, short stories, and other literary works to fill your curious minds! 

The Editorial is where all the latest news, updates and announcements from the legacy team will be posted. Currently, you will find the Alumni listed here - honoring all the past writers and contributors of this legendary magazine!

Well! This orientation should suffice. If you require further assistance, I will be back in my office, continuing my investigation for answers the inquiring mind seeks to discover. A moglin never sleeps when there are answers to be found. After all, "A Chronicler's Work is Never Done!"

P.S. Do NOT poke the Gecko!


To all the readers across the far lands of Lore, we welcome you to The Zardian with open arms... and open books! Wherever your literary journey takes you, know that your next adventure is only one page turn away! We hope you enjoy a pleasant stay at Maya's Librarium and find the stories you are looking for. We wish you happy readings with your literary endeavours. So sit back, relax, and as always…



  • Happy 15th Anniversary AQ Worlds! Join the birthday celebration at AQ.comThanks for all the wonderful memories! ^_^

  • Fun Fact! The first public announcement for AQ Worlds was written by Artix for Issue 24 of The Zardian! You can read the transcribed article HERE!

  • The project is currently in beta testing. Site may contain traces of bugs, bookworms... and hungry reptiles O_O

  • The remaining E-Zine articles will be uploaded in the next few weeks. There are over 500 articles for the team to review and transcribe! Estimated completion: October-November 2023.

  • Twig is back at the Librarium! Please inform Maya of his return. If Maya is away, please leave a note in Nel's or Muusa's office. We've got some leftover fish fillets and ice-cream in the fridge if Twig wants a snack! ^.^

  • If Zorbak or Kabroz are seen entering the premise, ensure they are monitored by security at all times!  Especially Zorbak. Intel-Lore-Gence suggests he's plotting for another Zorbakian takeover

  • Reminder to the Editor: Be sure to feed Pae daily. She tends to chomp on notes when she's hungry! >_<

Coming Soon!

E-Zine Issues 11-51

More books added to the Librarium

E-Zine Index Catalogue

Gecko Hunt!

Chronobooks from the Time Library

The Return of Kabroz!

History of The Chaos Lords

Chaos Librarium

SponZard Community Events

Mozard: RequiYum!

The Unaffordable Oxford Comma

Whyrl E. Bhyrde flies again!

A Loremaster's Legacy

Zorbak's Hideout

Twilly's Trivial Conspiracy

The ZorBroz: Most Wanted

The Academia & Alumni

All That Is Evil Is Not Dark

A Frostval 2023 Special

Frostval with George Lowe!

Huff, Puff, and Carl

The Knights of The Pactagonal Table

Fly like a J6

Plus heaps more!

Welcome to The Zardian dear Hero! It appears you have stumbled across an ancient relic from a bygone era. The Zardian was an e-magazine established by AE in 2007, publishing over 500 articles during its tenure. The E-Zine is a treasure trove for keen readers and aspiring writers, housing a plethora of stories, recipes, news, contests literature, lore, puns and more! It is with great pleasure to announce the legacy project, and the return and restoration of The Zardian! Loremoglin Nel is delighted to see you again, and he has kindly volunteered to provide you with a quick orientation to navigate around. He will be your trusty guide on your perilous literary journey! Good luck!


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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