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Sneak Peeks
by Chii

Heya, folks! Many of you may have seen my sneak peek in the AQ General Game Discussion forum (, where we gave you a preview of five upcoming classes-- Berserker, Scholar, ArchMage, Assassin, and Martial Artist. What's that? You want more information?! You want it, you've got it.


WHAT: Berserker

WHO: Ferocious warriors who will fight without hesitation or restraint to bring down their foe, even if it means sacrificing life or limb.

WHERE: Berserkers feel at home in carnage but they're also known for holding long grudges toward people or monsters that have angered them in the past. Of course, a berserker spends most of his or her time being angry to begin with...

WHY: To unleash mighty attacks... as well as your rage.

EXPECT: Die-hard abilities that emphasize taking and giving punishment.

WATCH OUT FOR THAT...: Rage. Monsters will pay dearly for damaging a Berserker too much...



WHAT: Scholar

WHO: Men and women who dedicate their earthly time to the study of various subjects, especially monsters. With understanding comes power.

WHERE: Anywhere from libraries to deep jungles. Where there are monsters, there are scholars.

WHY: When strategy appeals more than just trying to beat your enemy into submission, scholars have the edge. Or the blunt object, depending on what's needed.

EXPECT: A versatile list of abilities that relate to certain monsters.

WATCH OUT FOR THAT...: Versatility. Once a Scholar has studied his or her foes enough, they become able to inflict and defend against damage of many different kinds.



WHAT: ArchMage

WHO: Mighty mages who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of discovering the nature of magic.

WHERE: ArchMages have been known to appear anywhere from on the sidelines of wars to within the seclusion of the arcane realm.

WHY: The only logical step for those truly passionate about magic is to learn what drives it, and how to tap into the forces that define and control the force we know as magic.

EXPECT: The unexpected. Becoming an ArchMage may completely rewrite the rules of magic as you know it.

WATCH OUT FOR THAT...: Big mean old fireball. Once you learn the trade of an ArchMage, magic may never be as simple as 1-2-Incendiary again.



WHAT: Assassin

WHO: Hired killers who specialize in the precise and brutal elimination of their prey.

WHERE: Wherever they are least expected to be. Krovesport is where the majority of their business is conducted.

WHY: Ironically, Assassin embodies a balance between life and death, and so stands between Paladins and Necromancers. With unique morals and excellence of execution, Assassins are arbitrators of that balance.

EXPECT: Abilities that utilize the element of surprise to efficiently take down your foe.

WATCH OUT FOR THAT...: Finishing Blow. This ability calls the skills and alliances you have made to deal a combination attack with unique finales to bring the curtain crashing down on your enemy.



WHAT: Martial Artist

WHO: Warriors who have perfected the balance of mind and body to become living weapons.

WHERE: When not learning from the masters of the many schools of the martial arts, the Martial Artist is often seen walking the earth.

WHY: A Martial Artist is never unarmed, and the many schools of combat type means that a dedicated Martial Artist is still dipping into their skill list when others have exhausted themselves.

EXPECT: A wide variety of abilities based on different forms of attack.

WATCH OUT FOR THAT...: Everything! The school of Crouching Frogzard is only the beginning of your training; you will choose where to go from there...



How about now, are you excited yet? It's only going to keep getting better. We're practicing some new techniques for new training quests and different styles of classes, working together and individually to produce unique concepts that are sure to be the very product of awesomeness. But don't forget, patience is a virtue! There are many steps involved in making a class. Concept, design, balance, animation, testing. Then repeat all of these for the training quest. We're working hard around the clock to bring you amazing new content. Show your support by being patient, positive, and respectful to each other as well as the staff.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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