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Contest Winners!
by Rayf Drayson

Suggestions Contest - Winning Entries

Angel Guard - Pet

By: aerowarrior1


Buster, the Incomplete Shard - Sword

By: CodeLabMaster


Spectrum Beam Cannon - monster

By: Lord Barrius







Angel Guard

Level: 65

Damage: 0

Chance of Attack: 0

Bonus to Hit: 0



Though this Angel might seem weak, it is willing to give its life to save yours.



Summon Angel Guard

Level: 65

Damage: 0

Chance of Attack: 0

Bonus to Hit: 0

Upkeep Cost: 0 MP



Though this Angel might seem weak, it is willing to give its life to save yours.


What is the point of these two things, you might ask?

Well, when used in a combination together, they will prevent you from taking a fatal hit. If you are about to take a fatal hit, they go in front of you, and take the damage (if you were to take more then one fatal hit during that turn, then they take the damage for those also), but your HP is reduced to one.


After taking the damage, the Summon Angel Guard dissapears, and in it's place, an Undead Angel Guard appears. This can't be summoned away or replaced until the end of the battle. The Undead Angel Guard will not take a fatal hit for you, so the life saving thing can only be used once per battle.


Undead Angel Guard

Damage: 5-17 Darkness

Bonus to Hit: 4%

Chance of Attack: 35%






Buster, the Incomplete Shard


Element/Type: Dark Melee


Damage/BTH: 7-27 at 7%BTH


Level: 80


Description: Time may fly, but aren't space and time intertwined? One of the shards of the greatest MegSual, this edge of entropy packs a, punch.


Apperence: Dark greyish/blackish broad sword that is utterly out of proportion. Not a blade so much as a living organism. It looks like a gigantic scimatar but less of a blade look. Veins run up its side, occasionally, they look like they are pumping something.


Special(s) Occurence: 15% [Failed Special: 9%/Successful Special: 5%/Special Special: 1%]


Failed Special: The background swirls around and looks all wavy, then it slams back into the original appearence of the bakground, negatively healing you 1-25 and negatively healing your enemy 10-50. (Because it is negative healing, it doesn't miss)


Successful Special: The background swirls around and looks all wavy, then it becomes blank. One black spinning star hits the enemy and explodes, causing 30-90 Darkness Magic Damage with 30%BTH. Background goes back to normal afterward.


Special Special: The background swirls around and looks all wavy, then it shows a sunny field with kids playing around a large tree in the center and only a few other trees on the background. A question mark appears above the head of the player and then a 3 appears at the top of the screen in the middle as the question mark fades away. 8 small black circles then appear on the background in various hidden or out in the open locations. The player then is supposed to click on as many of the circles as possible before three seconds are up. However many the clicked will be the number of spinning black stars that hit the enemy afterward. Each of them will do 10 - 20 Darkness Magic Damage with 30%BTH each. After all of the hits, the background goes back to normal.






Spectrum Beam Cannon (This monster would only be able to be met in RA by players of level 85+)



Fire- 90%

Water- 90%

Ice- 90%

Energy- 90%

Earth- 90%

Wind- 90%

Light- 90%

Dark- 90%



Melee- 30

Ranged- 30

Magic- 30



This Drakel superweapon can adapt its attacks to deal the maximum amount of damage to an opponent. Beware! The special effect of this device can cut down even the boldest Adventurer.



A giant high tech metal cannon whose cannon barrel is aimed down at the player. The cannon rests on a metal platform and a Drakel is seated behind the gun operating it. A small digital counter rests on top of the platform under the setaed Drakel, showing the number 15.



During its turn, Spectrum Beam Cannon will check the player’s elemental resistances and defenses. It will then use an attack of 10-25 damage with 10 BtH in the player’s weakest element and defense (if the player has a tie in defenses or resistances it will select randomly). This attack is weak because of the monster’s effect.


Special Effect- Omega Beam:

The special effect of this monster lies within the counter at the base of the turret. Each time the player attempts to hit the SBC (whether he/she misses or not), the number displayed on the counter drops by 1. Since the counter counts attempted hits and not turns, it can conceivably use its special after a few turns of multihit armors or spells. When the counter hits 0 and it’s the SBC’s turn, balls of light will gather near the tip of the cannon and the cannon will fire a beam of mixed colors through the player dealing 10 hits of 10-20 Element X damage with 50 BtH (defense type is determined by the lowest modifier of the player). The counter then resets to 15 and the player’s turn begins assuming he didn’t die.


My Notes:

So why propose a monster with a special effect that deals so much damage? The reason is simple. There has been a lot of emphasis on using multihit spells and armors because of the bonuses to stats. A lot of players seek out armors and spells which have multiple hits and rarely use equipment with fewer hits. But thanks to the effect of the SBC, it turns this strategy upside down. Since the cannon continues to “count down” and can fire the devastating special every 15 hits, a player has to choose which spells or armors to use more carefully. A scaled down version could also be created for the lower level players if you wish, though the intention of this was to catch higher levels off-guard.


The following was added by a judge at the poster's request to specify some items that would make the SBC weaknesses less easily exploited.


- The SBC should have HP at about 3k or more (anything too much lower would make it too weak to use the special a couple of times).

- When the counter hits zero all damage dealt after that point until the SBC's turn is negated or automatically misses (prevents people from double casting AE and thus getting in 26 hits rather than 15).

- The SBC's special can drain a small amount of MP as well as dealing damage. This would be something like 20% of the damage dealt by the special, thus 10 possible drains of 2-8 MP each (prevents excessive use of spells and healing spells such as Heal Wounds, which a Mage build could cast multiple times).



Freaky Monster Contest - Winners


atrus: Instakill Circle (fun for high level random battles!)


Grim Ripper: The Bulk (possibly the Inedible Bulk or something)


Argon: Chesspiece Golem


Cephius: Rex Lapidus (another great boss monster)


Blade_ fighter: Bouncing Tongue Beast (random battle fun for all levels!)


Makarios: Hyperintelligent Pandimensional Beings (possibly part of the Network of creatures loyal to the Devourer!)


dragonknight1919: Poultrygeist (puntastic!)


dasbadguy: Undead Cat (who can resist... possibly a pet companion for the Un-Dog, rather than monster)


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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