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Sneak Peeks!
by Rayf

Berserker Class


In the midst of all the weekly events, the Devourer Saga, and many other things done behind the scenes that we cannot mention, we on the AdventureQuest Team are somehow finding the time to chug along on producing new character classes. Berserker is the one that is due for release the soonest, and production on the class has finished phase two (phase one being design and phase two being art and animation) and is moving into phase three: coding. We do not have a definite timeline for release yet as we have Scholar class moving into phase two of production and Martial Artist class ready to move into phase two, as well, but Berserker is coming along nicely.


This article is not supposed to be a production update, however; this is supposed to be a sneak peek. So to whet your appetites a bit, or perhaps to inflame your curiosities, time to share a little bit of information about the Berserker class. First, allow me to tease you with a picture of the class armor shown to the left.


The animation is spectacular stuff, as well. We are all very excited about this class. The class abilities are fun, too. In fact, I will go ahead and share a couple of them with you right now.


“Nightmare Visage” -- Like a big black bear in the darkest hour of the night, you roar and growl as menacingly as something from your foes' nightmares and curdle the blood in their veins.


“Crush” -- Bash your enemies with a single massive blow that can weaken and incapacitate them!


That is all for now, folks. I hope this little sneak peek has sparked your curiosity and will make you as excited about this class as we are.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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