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Account Security 101
by Icemaster Yeti

Professor Ca'min Tsentz says:


Welcome, students, to Account Security 101.

Let me first point out that Artix Entertainment staff will NEVER ask you for your password. Ever.


The purpose of this class is simple-- protecting your account from the evil people out there who want what you have or, even worse, want to destroy what you have.


Now a lot of you have worked hard, very hard, on getting all the good items on your character, but you want more. Maybe you don't have a Dragon Amulet and you'd really like one. Or Dragon Coins. Yes, wouldn't it be great if you could get some Dragon Coins? But there's a catch. You don't have the money to get them.


Suddenly you see a topic or post on the forums, or maybe a link to a website, offering free upgrades, or free Dragon Coins and you think “Cool!” It's probably not cool. Let me share a scenario with you:


Picture a sneevil, trying to explain how he has no boxes any more...


“I had all dese boxes here, in dis locked room. And Robina comes up and tells me “I can get you more boxes, I just need the key to your box room to put them in there,” so I tinks dat dis is a good idea, and gives her da key. AND SHE STOLED MY BOXES!”


You are that sneevil! Well, you could be. The lesson to be learnt from that scenario is that as far as your account is concerned, nearly everyone is a Robina- they want to steal your boxes. Oh sure, some of them may TELL you that they'll help you level up your character, or get you a Dragon Amulet, or Dragon Coins.  But why would they want to do that?  No.  What they want is your boxes... er... your account, and the things in there.


So how do we stop this happening?  Well, firstly, NEVER tell anyone your username and password combination.  EVER.  Never ever ever.  Second, make sure your password is somthing that is easy for YOU to remember, but hard for people to guess.  "Password" is not a good password.  "pass12word34"... that's better.  Combinations of letters and numbers are good.  Completely random combinations are even better-- as long as YOU can remember them.


Third, if you are sharing a computer with anyone, do NOT tell the game to remember your password.  Ever.  Make sure nobody is near you or watching you when you log in.  Finally, make sure you are actually logging into an Artix Entertainment game.  Check the URL (page address) of the page you are logging into.  Does it say "" or ""?  If it doesn't, you may be logging into a scamming website/phishing website that WANTS YOUR BOXES! *cough* Sorry, your account details.


If you follow these guidelines, you'll keep the things you worked so hard to get.  Remember, when it comes to your account, everyone is a Robina!  Well, they could be.  Remember, also- Artix Entertainment staff (forums OR game) will never ask you for your password.  Never.


Class dismissed.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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