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Notably Novel News
by Varin

Whyrl E. Bhyrde here to give you the first scoop on the latest news in the land of Lore! Our network, the Drakel Broadcasting Station, has decided to fund this journalist with his very own helicopter.


Swashbuckling Scalawags Scour the Sea

Infamous Captain Rhubarb, the wayfaring soul that he is, has set up ship outside Lolosia in Pirate’s Cove. People aspiring to pillage and plunder may learn the piratical ways here. Unfortunately, Drakel do not qualify, to this reporter’s dismay. How great it would have been to strike fear into the hearts of those in the seven skies! Those that have qualified for Captain Rhubarb’s classes may wish to hone their reflexes. Rumor has it there's a lily-livered mate aboard the ship just itching to angle in on treasure found. Explosions from Rhubarb’s cannons can be heard as far away as Battleon. Captain sure puts those recruits through their steps well!


Copious Carnage: Conquest Concludes

War in Deren has been decided! Thousands of brave adventurers and guardians lined up to defeat the horde of the Devourer’s Brilhado and undead allies. Intense fighting took place between both sides. Night offered no solace to the forces of good. This reporter knows firsthand just how dangerous this was for the brave volunteers when a swarm of reanimated skulls made an attempt on his life! Tip to our viewers! Do not use fire attacks on a skull swarm, flaming skulls are twice as scary as normal ones! On another note, it was heard that the use of the weapon of a Brilhado necromancer can have rejuvenating effects.


Brave Brilhado Buried

Word has it that an unnamed adventurer had recovered the five pieces of the Creation Orb! Alas, after the battle the noble Brilhado Giliara lost his life to a fellow Brilhado’s spear. Gladly he devoted himself to the war effort. With his help Lore can now start the offense against the Devourer, also known as The’Galin. A funeral parade honoring Giliara’s bravery and dedication is scheduled later this week in the Drakel town of K’eld Naer. Rumor states that The’Galin’s ex-general, Diviara, will deliver the eulogy.


Muzzy Moglins Muse on Massing Monsters

Eavesd-- Reporting on a convocation of moglins, this journalist overheard them describing a collection of nefarious ne’er-do-wells talking with some unseen entity. Overall demeanor was dour as the moglins mourned their lost town. Forgetting his place, this reporter offered condolences to the moglins. Alas, some yellow moglin mistook this reporter’s helicopter for a bowl of ice cream and chased him off. Curious also was the one moglin that resembled one of this reporter’s kin. Chilling.


Invasion of Infuriating Insects Incite Itching

Lingering near Lolosia, legions of bugs show up en masse! Bring your fly swatter, folks, it’s open season on creepy-crawlies! Disturbing as the report may be to some viewers, the Mayor of Lolosia is offering a bounty on every bug squashed! Helpful tip to our viewers: do not attempt to squash the fire ants while barefoot. Also, please note, dear viewers, that this reporter found the best way to deal with the oversized wasps was with a tennis racket! Rumor has it that a brand new weapon has been found that can slice through bugs with the efficiency of a paladin through undead.



This has been Whyrl E. Bhyrde for the DBS. Dedicated to bringing you the news as it happens for your viewing pleasure.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

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