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The AdventureQuest Storyline
by Galanoth

AdventureQuest began over 4 years ago as a way for Adam Bohn (Artix von Krieger) and myself (Tony Deller, aka Galanoth) to prove we could make an online game by ourselves. Well, we succeeded. And yes, the original AQ had its shortcomings, most pronounced of those being that it was only the inside of Yulgar's Inn, from which you could click a single button to randomly battle either an Undead Knight, a Deathwood, a Wasp Swarm, a Drakel Caster, or a Frogzard. Zards would go on to become AQ's mascot-- or at least co-mascot alongside Twilly. 


AQ still has shortcomings. It doesn't match up to many other games' graphics, animation, sound, music, or technology. But we believe that AQ has a lot of character. It means a lot to those of us who work on it every day and to those who play it enough to appreciate the many things it DOES offer. In the spirit of those first weeks and months, we continue to constantly update AQ and to listen to its players. 


In the beginning, AdventureQuest had an overarching story behind the world of Lore: That the Drakel had been the advanced species but was forced into hiding when the world-eating Devourer appeared a thousand years ago. When the Devourer left, humans and other races became dominant while the Drakel stayed hidden in their armored cities. 


But it took a little more time before that story gained momentum and came to the forefront of the game less than 6 months ago. It is a very big story, and it will bring together many threads from the game and from material that has only appeared on the forums. 


There is something that many longtime players of AQ have noticed: that the Devourer story-line isn't quite as humorous or lighthearted as much of AQ has been in the past. That is true, but it has to do with the subject matter more than anything else: this is a story about the impending doom of the entire world. This is serious stuff. There will be bits of humor sprinkled throughout, but for the most part it will remain mostly serious all the way through. The AQ team will continue to include updates that are more humorous, however. So there will be something for everyone as AQ moves forward. 


As for DragonFable, Artix has planned a story that will rival the Devourer Saga in AQ. And we all know how much Artix loves puns... so it's a safe bet the big story in DragonFable might be just a LITTLE funnier. 


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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