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by Varin

Memoirs of a Magus: Rough Beginnings

(Excerpt from the journal of Varin Ke’Shan, Magus of Falconreach)

A day after Aspirion hatched, I realized rather belatedly that I may have in fact bitten off more than I could proverbially chew.


I admit, at first I was enthralled by this beautiful little creature when it first awakened after the hatching. Perhaps it was just difficult work that was rewarding with time. Gently I had wiped off his scales; when that was finished I wondered what to do next, it is not every day that you get to take care of an infant dragon!


Twilly took the decision out of my hands by showing up and bearing some food for the little guy. As Aspirion stumbled forward I had nothing to do but gasp as he lunged out for Twilly’s ankle, intending HIM for his first meal. Quickly I had intervened and pulled Twilly’s slightly scraped and punctured foot out of Aspirion’s mouth. Sympathetic, I sent Twilly out to find someone to tend to his foot as a I veritably danced around the room, dropping morsels in Aspirion’s mouth while avoiding Twilly’s fate. Here was a hungry little guy!


It took over an hour but with the food that Twilly brought and with Serenity bringing second and third helpings I was able to finally curb Aspirion’s hunger pangs. Quickly he fell asleep again and this became the cycle. Awaken, feed, sleep. Weeks passed without much to show except a growing young dragon.


About two months after hatching, I had my first real shock since he nearly crippled Twilly. I was feeding Aspirion and he got a little frisky once again, I suppose that baby dragons just like to play. Well, instead of the usual pounce he snorted a lick of flame at me. Imagine my surprise, here was a beautiful blue dragon and he breathed flame! I muttered to him about him ruining my brand new robe and quickly warded myself against any more indigestion this little guy may have.


Amazingly, I heard a muted voice through my amulet. I lifted it up and took a look while swatting embers to death on my robe and deep inside the orb of it I could see a miniature replica of Aspirion’s face. Listening closer I could hear him apologizing for his accidental fiery outburst. I chuckled and assured the little guy that it was quite alright and that I was not angry as he feared.


Quickly Aspirion grew tired of the simple food that I hand-fed him and demanded that he actually begin to hunt for his food. To this I assented and allowed him with me on a foray into the forest. I only winced in sympathy once, the first time he surprised a rabbit with an intense blast of flame, but this is the way of nature. How natural a few hundred pound infant dragon is just remains to be seen but a dragon has to eat.


While Aspirion romped through the underbrush, I walked along the path that wound its way through the woods. It was good to see him up and about, finally enjoying himself. He disappeared from sight and I could hear him deeper in the forest. What I could also hear was a group of bandits demanding my gold and for me to halt. 'Just great,' I thought.


Coming through the brush with the all the subtlety of a stampeding gorillaphant came Aspirion, ramming his head sidelong into the closest bandit. Amazingly, between his still hardening claws, vicious breath (he had just eaten after all), and ramming head butts this pack of bandits caused no trouble. I smiled as my amulet translated Aspirion’s eagerness to have fun like that again sometime soon. Content on our excursion, we headed back into town and informed the magistrate about the mess of unconscious bandits in the forest.


My newfound friend turns out to able to handle himself quite handily in a fight.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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