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The Ultimate Quiche of Ultimate Destiny
by Galanoth

One time, at Dragonslayer Camp, I was surprised to find a few of my star students hiding in the woods. It looked as though they were just standing around talking, only they were in some strange overly-dramatic poses. As soon as they saw me, they suddenly drew their dragonblades and began sparring. *Well, what is it we have here?* I bellowed at them, to let them know I meant business. Beofus, always a smart-aleck, said, *Galanoth! We were just about to practice your favorite dragon de-fanging technique! Would you like to demonstrate?* I immediately sensed that something was not right. After staring them down for a full 2 minutes, Volkason, who always had a healthy fear of me, spoke up, *We were just rehearsing for our annual play, Lord Galanoth! We-- we are the DRAGONPLAYERS, and we've been putting on plays for the past few years!* Needless to say, I was quite surprised. But I do enjoy a good play, and so I allowed them to continue their rehearsal.


What has this got to do with The Ultimate Quiche of Ultimate Destiny, you ask?


Why, it has nothing to do with The Ultimate Quiche of Ultimate Destiny.


Now, on to my recipe!




12 large eggs

3 cups 2% milk

2 frozen deep-dish pie crusts

1 lb thinly sliced bacon

4 cups shredded cheddar cheese

1 sliced sweet onion

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp black pepper




Trim about a quarter of the extra fat from the bacon, then cook it slowly in a large pan until very brown and crisp. Drain it on paper towels. Pour out most of the bacon fat (VERY carefully-- don't allow children around cooking bacon or hot grease). Keep a tablespoon of bacon grease in the pan.


Allow both pie crusts to thaw for about 30 minutes. Poke about 2 dozen holes with a fork in the bottom of the crusts, and put them in a preheated 350 degree oven for 15 minutes.


Add the thinly sliced sweet onion to the pan and slowly cook until it is “melted”. This means you can almost see through the onion and it is very very tender, but not very brown. Remove the onion from the heat.


In a large bowl, whisk together the 12 eggs and milk. Add the salt, pepper, cheese, crumbled bacon and onion.


Pour 1/2 of this “batter” into each of the pie shells. Put them both on a large baking sheet and into the oven at 350 degrees for about one hour. Depending on your oven it may take a little more or less time-- just keep checking on them to be sure the crust doesn't get too dark and the middle of each quiche is solid and not jiggly (which would mean the egg isn't cooked all the way).


You can eat this quiche fresh from the oven or let it sit for 15 minutes before eating it (it will still be pretty warm, even hot, if you wait a bit). Quiche also holds up well in the fridge for a day or two.





The Penultimate Quiche of Penultimate Destiny!


Use the above recipe, but replace the bacon/cheddar cheese with


1 cup thawed frozen spinach, or cooked fresh spinach, pressed and drained of excess water

1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms, cooked slowly for 20 minutes in a tablespoon of salted butter

2 cups crumbled feta cheese


If you don't like mushrooms, you can use an extra cup of spinach in place of them.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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