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On Galanoth and the 'Slayers
by Cyrus

Word has reached me that, due to some articles written by a certain Dragonslayer, people wish to see my views of his actions. While I don’t usually take such requests, after I saw these little recipes being published by Galanoth, I found myself a little more motivated. While I do see the need to stop evil dragons, and have done so myself a few dozen times, I don’t exactly want him giving everyone ideas on how to cook my full-blood brethren. I can imagine you’d be angry if I found some human recipes. I wouldn’t worry, though. The few dragons I know who have eaten humans tell me your kind tastes awful, and they’ve never tried again. Even though I doubt this will stop him from continuing, it's still rather amusing.


As for Galanoth himself… Well, let’s just say we’re more alike than he’d ever admit without a sword to his throat. We suffered similar fates in our respective pasts. The only difference is that the powers I found myself able to use come from dragon kind itself, so to speak. Of course, some of the people in Battleon see any cooperation with dragons, much less myself, as nothing but trouble. Sadly, even today I still have some difficulty with humans who are afraid of us.


Truth be told, I’ve tried to build relations between Battleon and Dragonspine for years. Unfortunately, the death of Galanoth’s brother put an end to what little progress I had made, as he couldn’t look at anything with dragon blood without wanting to kill it. In the near seven centuries I’ve walked this world, I’ve never seen anyone with that much hatred for dragons. Honestly though, he’s not a bad person as long as he keeps his hatred of dragons under control.


Getting back on topic, I have no intentions of trying to smite Galanoth for his dragon recipes. Of course, I won’t be giving you any human recipes in return. That’d be just a bit cannibalistic of me. However, I can provide some useful information from time to time. If the right questions came my way, I could tell you some very interesting facts indeed. Perhaps a few useful tidbits on the history of the Dracomancers would help. Maybe, if you ask real nice, I could dig up some more embarrassing moments from Galanoth’s past. While I don’t quite have the archives that a Loremaster does, I still have a fair bit of detailed information. Half a century of secretly watching humans does provide a few useful things, after all…


…Not to mention I get bored rather easily, what with all I’ve done in these many years.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

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