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Dragon Ribs Recipe!
by Galanoth

As Head of the Order of Dragonslayers, it is my duty to see that my Dragonslayers are well-nourished.  Often, I find myself doing the shopping while my fellow slayers train.  I like to cook fresh food and always make sure to serve several kinds of vegetables and fruit with a meal.  But the mainstay of any good dragonslayer is one thing: MEAT.  Lots of meat.  Dragon meat, at least 3 times a week.  You don't know what delicious meat is until you've tasted dragon roasted over an open fire.  Eventually, my cooking adventures led me to developing my own recipe for barbecued ribs.  Dragon ribs are ideal though, if you cannot find them, beef or pork ribs will do.  Chicken ribs are too small for my appetite though a Moglin may take to those rather well.  And no, I DID NOT just say that Moglin ribs would work in this recipe.  I would never eat a Moglin.  Unless stranded in a remote location for more than a couple weeks with no other available food source.


Now, on to my recipe for Dragon Ribs:




1 full slab of ribs

1/2 cup sugar

3 Tbsp chili powder

1 Tbsp cumin

1 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

1 tsp mustard powder

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp onion powder


If you want them spicy, add 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper to this.  REALLY spicy, add 1 full tsp cayenne pe pepper.


Cover the entire slab of ribs with the dry mixture.  This is called a RUB, because you are actually rubbing the meat with the spices.  While the ribs sit with the rub on them, you can pre-heat your grill on LOW heat.  If you don't have a grill, you can set an oven on about 250 degrees Fahrenheit or 122 degrees Celcius.


Once your grill or oven is hot, place the ribs inside.  Let the ribs cook without turning them for about 1 hour, then sprinkle them with some fruit juice of your choice.  Apple works well. 


Cook the ribs for another hour, then flip them carefully.  Cook another 2 hours.  Check the ribs every half hour from this point on.  As soon as they begin to fall apart when you turn them, they're done.  You can brush the ribs with a barbecue sauce at this point if you like.


This technique is something barbecue cooks like to call 'low and slow'-- cooking meat that has some fat in or on it (like ribs) at a low temperature over a longer period of time gets very tender and juicy results.  


Enjoy!  And if you ever spot a dragon, be sure to send a messenger my way... 


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

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