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Origin of Dracomancers
by Cyrus

Greetings once again. After mulling over responses to my earlier writings, I decided the knowledge-hungry citizens of Lore would appreciate some information about the Dracomancers. Specifically, I'll be explaining how the Dracomancer Order came about so many centuries ago, along with a few small details about my family. After all, where better to start in learning about the Dracomancers than their origins?


If it isn't obvious by now, I should make it known that I'm not completely human. My father was an ordinary traveler who made his way near what is now known as Dragonspine around 1300. My mother, however, was an ice dragoness. By chance, the two fell in love and the clutch of eggs that resulted contained my two sisters, two brothers, and myself. For the most part life was rather pleasant, until one day a few decades later...


How the Dracomancers came to be is a much less pleasant story. I can't remember the exact year anymore, but it would be somewhere around 1350 by the Battleon calendar. My father had, by now, died of old age, but there was much worse to come later. By now a group of humans had seen my family, along with my mother. Given that two of us look almost completely human, they thought she had kidnapped children from a nearby village. Not even a week later, a group of armored humans rushed to our home to try and kill my mother, who they saw as a threat, and “rescue” her children. Most of us put up a valiant effort, but they finally managed to slay my mother, which was the moment I first found out I could transform into the much more powerful form you recognize in battle. I don't remember how it happened, but the humans were quickly handled. All in all, it's not a set of events I care to remember, but the diary Sheila kept at the time might hold a few more specific details, if anyone could ever manage to find it.


Once my mother had been buried along with the humans who had caused her death, we fled farther north in case they came back. From there, we had to decide exactly how to handle such a threat to our lives. At first, everyone except me was arguing that we should raise an army of dragons to crush the human village that had sent them. For a while I thought about it, but then realized that it would just end up causing too much death in the end. A long argument came about but it was decided that I'd help try to find a few of the more open-minded humans. If we taught them what the dragons were really like, they wouldn't try to kill us and could possibly convince more humans to stop some of the violence against dragonkind. This ended up working surprisingly well, and there was soon a city of a few thousand humans, dragons, and half-dragons (magically made or otherwise) living on the far side of Dragonspine. Once I mastered control over my own powers, I started teaching others to use them, and the Dracomancer Order as it's known was born... From there, you know the more important stuff pretty well. Most of you were there, after all.


For those of you who are still curious about dragons, Dracomancers, or myself, feel free to send me a message with your feedback or your suggestion for a topic. If you're lucky, I might just decide to write something about it in a later issue. Through confusing Drakel technomancy, you can just send your messages to and they'll make their way to me.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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