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Ask the Evil Admin #3
by Beleqwaya

Greetings to all the readers! This is Beleqwaya, the Evil Admin. Once a month or so I've decided to dedicate my boundless knowledge to satisfying some of your questions or queries. So listen up and you might learn something!


Let's see the first email for today:


"Greetings, Evil Admin.


Why is Darkness so often associated with evil? I mean, Guardians and Adventurers have not been introduced to any "good" darkness-aligned people and it doesn't look like they will be any time soon. While I understand the power of Darkness tends to lure the wicked, it doesn't make sense that NOBODY good will use Darkness.


Similarly, why is Light so often associated with good? The Brilhado are the only evil creatures of the Light we have met,and many of them choose necromancy and darkness despite being demons of the light realm. It to me that a truly evil creature would want the power of it's enemy, so light might be somewhat appealing.


Please, I am interested in hearing your wisdom on this subject as it has been one that I have pondered for quite some time.




A truly in-depth question. This is probably answered most easily by the old adage "You can't make an omelette without raising some Undead." Or maybe that was simply what I heard the last time Zorbak hosted a breakfast... hmmm... regardless!


It is easy to see how evil tends to move towards darkness because it has a very visible way of showing the corruption and degradation of the creature, not to mention that evil creatures often do "dark" deeds. Inversely, light is usually represented as good due to its purifying symbolism- that it illuminates the shadows and the hidden aspects of the world.


Because of these general stereotypes, you will not often see an evil creature sporting a "Go Light Lord" sign, or a creature of good showing his affinity to the Darkness Lord simply because the stereotypes associated with such are overwhelming.


However, you only stated two of the eight elements. The other six do not individually have such stereotypes and you have both evil and good-aligned creatures strewn throughout them fairly equally, with only some basic biases to one side. These are probably due to the aspects of the elements themselves. Fire is a very chaotic force, one that is outwardly aggressive in that it consumes things to survive, and thus more aggressive creatures are often related to these elements.


But one thing that you must remember is that neither Light nor Dark, or their respective Lords, are inherently good or evil in the first place. They are merely in opposite, and because of such a contrast they were chosen to be the representatives of good and evil by mortal men because of the previous stated facts- not by any greater powers- even though the Lords themselves do not hold with such shallow alignments.


The second questions comes from... well why don't I just let you read it.


"Dear evil admin,


What is the meaning of life?


pang tong"


First of all, it's "Evil Admin." Do not make me bring down my wrath on you for such a horrendous mistake!


Secondly- lasagna: Slow cooked to perfection with a minimum of four layers. Although obtaining ultimate power is high on the list, too.




What? I'm hungry! Beings of penultimate power need food too, ya know!


And then we have the third, and horribly vexing, email that I chose to end with:


"Dear Beleqwaya,


Is it true? You know... The rumors? You know what the word in the forest is these days, right? No? Well, they're saying:


"You're not evil at all!"


From what I'm hearing, you are really quite huggable, oh so cuddly, and you also smell very nice. Now, I'm not one to believe in rumors, but I do wonder how you are qualified to run an article called "Ask the EVIL Admin" if even part of what they say is true. Please shed some light on what is really going on here. The tigers are starting to doubt you.




Yeah, that's right. You didn't think I'd post that one, DID you Vephoma! Well how wrong you were! Now EVERYONE will know how crazy you really are! Do not let the madman fool you, I am not cuddly in any way. I once turned a man to charcoal because he looked at me funny. Or maybe his buddies looked at me funny and I wanted to make an example. One of the two.


You tell those tigers and all the other creatures you come across that they better stop doubting the Evilness of the Evil Admin or they are going to receive a nasty surprise visit! We're talking tiger-catchers coming looking for new zoo attractions. And MFD: Mass. Forest. Depletion.


My advice to the readers? Send more emails! And tip your forum moderators! Two slices of pizza and a pop goes a LONG way!


Interested in sending a letter to the Evil Admin? Are you ABSOLUTELY sure? If so, you can send an email to, and then proceed to cross your fingers and put extra points in your Luck stat, and maybe- just MAYBE- your letter might be in the next edition.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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