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PvN: The Beginnings
by Damselindigital

Ah, pirates versus ninjas, the eternal debate. As there appears to be increasing unrest between these two factions in the universe of Lore, I felt perhaps it was time to touch on the cause of the enmity between these deadly forces.


What started this animosity? Why do these two factions clash? Where did ninjas get monkeys to train in the first place? These questions, my friends, can only be answered in myth and legend. What we do know is that the recent revival of this longstanding rivalry in AdventureQuest was due to factors involving The’Galin. Far more curious are the events that are currently playing out years before, in DragonFable, and one day perhaps we will find out what spurred this round of attacks. But what of the initial conflict that ignited these bitter enemies?


There are those who tell of a raid pirates once made upon the ninjas' temple. In some cases, the pirates succeeded in looting the ninjas' stronghold and the latter has never forgotten the event. In other renditions, the ninjas were so strong that they not only pushed the pirates back to the sea, they also destroyed much of the cargo in the process. Whether either version is correct, I cannot say.


Some say the rivalry stemmed from a costume party that a ninja and a pirate both attended. Having to take part in the masquerade, neither could appear in their normal attire. Fate would have it that that night they each dressed in a manner that befitted the other. But alas, both took exception to the other’s creative rendition of how one should dress. The pirate made disparaging comments in regards to the ninja’s manliness, stating that the other didn’t have the physique or style to sufficiently portray a pirate. The ninja pointed out that a decent ninja would never allow himself to even be observed sufficiently for one to evaluate his physique, which would be quite impossible for one as loud and boisterous as the pirate. It went downhill from there. Honor was insulted, rum was wasted, and when the two duelers returned to their friends and associates with the tale, neither side would ever forgive the other.


Another tale involves the pirates making a call to the ninjas’ fast food restaurant. A simple order was placed, but with the intent to claim the food as loot rather than have to purchase it honorably. Again, details become sketchy and stories diverge. A few tales state that the gold was deducted secretly from the ship’s stores by the delivery ninja despite the intentions of the pirates. In other cases, the ninja was forced to return in dishonor to his restaurant, having failed to procure any means of payment besides some bodily injury (which had been distributed to both parties involved).


There are plenty more stories, some strange, some mundane. A few involve the ninjas' burger or pizza franchise, others the pirates’ official day honoring their manner of speaking. Quite a few mention the ninjas’ trained monkeys and the occasional relapse into their habit of throwing the less-than-pleasant. The truth has been lost to time. Perhaps we shall never know the origins of this long-standing rivalry, but one thing’s for certain. We won’t be seeing the conclusion to it any time soon.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

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