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Editor's Note
by Alac

Another issue of The Zardian has been released, and what a couple of weeks it's been! There's been so much going on with both the games and on the forums that I doubt I can fit everything in, but I'll touch on the highlights from each:


On the forums, we've had some exciting occurences. For example, in the Roleplaying boards, the Elemental Championships are underway. Ronin of Dreams, the Archknight for the RP boards and the current Master of Ceremonies for the EC, says that the players are entering the final week of Dropoffs. He'll choose Finalists on September 3rd. Finals will run until enough cuts/kills are made to get to the top three competitors, and then Ronin will pick from there. Late applicants for the EC will no longer be accepted after Monday, August 27th. Word around the forums is that Varin, one of the Ezine's primary authors, is being used as a plot device and arena punching bag.


New to the moderating team assistants are: for the Gallery of Creative Adventurers, Nicky! She'll be assisting Grafh and the other GoCA AKs in keeping the boards clean and the artists content. For the Dragonfable boards (specifically the DF Q&A, but they have powers throughout the DF boards) are both The Nameless and Vaseline28. They've been continually helpful and friendly, rushing to assist other forum users with answering questions. Also new is blues, who has come to work in the Character Ratings and Advice board. Welcome to all four!


And new to the Knights of Order: introducing the Squires of Order. These axiomatic chipmunks have demonstrated skill manipulating the numbers and assisting in the balancing which make up the bulk of the KoO's work. I'd like to extend a welcome to both Kamui and jimbo32. They're a welcome asset to the balancing crew.


A recent development in the Clans/Clubs section of the forums is the upcoming dissolution of the Approved Clans/Clubs board. Those clans/clubs who currently have threads there will find themselves merged with the regular Clans/Clubs board. They will be prominently featured in a sticky aptly named “Featured Clans/Clubs”. In addition, the thread for applying to become an Approved Clan/Club is also open once more.


Dragonfable game staff have been churning out new content right and left. In addition to the level cap increase recently, a new town has been released. Osprey Cove, the pirate's town. Journey there to meet Captain Rhubarb and help him with a variety of new quests (bombs away!). Pirates, ninjas, and monkey-ninjas, oh my!


In AdventureQuest, a Drakel civil war recently ended in favor of the good guys. On opposing sides were the evil Drakel squaring off against a conglomeration of Elves, Orcs, and the rest of the Drakel population. Also released were new uber sets: the Asgardian set (Epic), the Valhallan (Greater) and the Thunder (Lesser). Mjollnir is the set weapon and is mighty indeed. Along with these was released a pet, the Thundercat. Though pricey, this is some of the best content in the game, and with great-looking artwork. Enjoy!


For those interested in MechQuest, the top three Houses of the University were revealed. They are Wolfblade, Runehawk, and Mystraven. The favorite Mech of each house was also given. There are an unknown number of Houses in all. Stay tuned to The Zardian and keep checking the MechQuest board on the forum for more updates.


Once again, I'd like to thank all the primary and secondary authors who've contributed, as well as the artists who've donated their time. I hope you enjoy this issue of The Zardian and look forward to those coming up in the future.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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