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Nel and Safiria, the Vampire Queen
by Nel

Nel looks up as all of the candles suddenly blow out.  The windows crash open and the wall hangings flap in a wind that was not there a moment ago.


"So, I hear you have questions for me.."  comes a voice out of the silence.

As Nel straightens his glasses and manages to light a candle, the figure of Safiria, the Vampire Queen, appears beside his desk.

"So many Adventurers and Guardians run screaming from my castle with outlandish tales and rumors that I thought I should set the record... straight."




1) What do you do for AE? (coder, artist, game staff, forums staff, support staff)


I'm the Executive Game Administrator. I manage the customer service department, do webpage work on AQ, DF, MQ and EbilGames, write the email responses, created the help pages, handle PayPal chargebacks, customers, and do other various things that Artix asks me to do.


2) How did you first find/get involved with AE?


I will have worked for Artix for 3 years on August 16, 2007.


3) What keeps you interested in AQ and DF, all the Ebil Games, and the soon-to-be MechQuest?


My love of games and anime keeps me interested.  I'm constantly impressed with the art that we produce.


4) Has your time in school prepared you for what you do with AE, or, if you haven't finished school, will it help you once you're done?


I have a degree in Anthropology with a minor in English.  The English portion helps.  However, my previous jobs doing software Q&A and working with computers and customer service have helped more than anything.


5) If you could change anything about one of the games, what would it be and why?


Hmm, I don't think I'd change a thing.


6) What is your favorite part about AQ/DF/Ebil Games?


I absolutely love Zorbak.  He cracks me up and makes me smile.


7) Who is your favorite moglin and why?


Zorbak!  Though Twig, he's a close second just because he's so strange.


8) Would you like to see a Sneevil vs. Zard matchup? Who would win?


Zards all the way!


Personal questions:


9) Do you have a favorite style of food? (Southern, Chinese, Italian, etc)

I love Sushi.


10) If you like to read, do you have any favorite genres? What are some of your favorites books from it?


Supernatural Fiction, horror and fantasy.  Laurell K. Hamilton, Tanya Huff, Mercedes Lackey, H. P. Lovecraft, MaryJanice Davidson, Charlaine Harris, Steven Brust, Elaine Cunningham, and R. A. Salvatore.


11) Do you play any games?  Console or computer?  And what?


Playing World of Warcraft, gaming (tabletop and console and pc), sewing and costuming.


12) Have you completed college?  What did you study?  Why?


Yes. Anthropology.  I really enjoy Anthropology.


13) Do you have any favorite sports teams? What and who?


I hate sports.  No.


14) Do you play any sports? If so, for how long?




15) What kind of music do you like to listen to?


Darkwave, electronica, goth.


16) Do you sing or play any instruments?


Yes, I do sing.  I also play mallet percussion instruments and the bassoon.


17) Do you have any pets? What?


One Birman cat.


Random/Fun questions:

18) Do you know what the Burning Daystar is?  Do you see it on a regular basis?


I hate the cursed daystar!  As do all Vampires!


19) Can you tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi?


Yes, though I gave up caffeine back in May.


20) What is your quest?


I'm the Vampire Queen, I don't have just one quest!


21) What is your opinion of the affect "American Idol" has had on the US media?


Bleh.  I hate shows like American Idol.  Give me 'Blood Ties' any day.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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