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Notably Novel News
by Varin

Greetings once again, readers, it is time once again for your Notably Novel News as held by yours truly, me, the wonderfully witty Drakel, Whyrl E. Bhyrde!


Resilient Ragers Roar and Raze!

The more physical amongst you, (and a heartfelt congratulations to you for learning your letters), will be overjoyed to know that a trainer for quite possibly the most brutal combat art has made himself available to the public. SLG has set up shop and is teaching young and old fighters the deceptively elegant art of screaming your lungs out while swinging huge weapons. This odd style of fighting increases your efficiency the more you are damaged, truly encouraging the less sensible around to throw caution to the wind more than they already do. Those with plenty of muscle and lacking in the department of gray matter would do well in SLG's intense training regimen.


Obtain Outstanding Opulence with an Outrageous Offer!

A new... Person? Has come into Battleon! Adventurers and Guardians alike can find the most interesting chest tended by one named Ballyhoo. It is said that those who open the chest gain a good bit of gold just for viewing the magical paintings this person has. I sent my guinea pi... well, I mean protege out to inspect and he promptly came back and quit! I suppose the images are harmless enough and the gold real enough, but I'm not taking the risk; the DNN pays me more than enough to not feel the itch to satisfy my curiosity, so to speak.


Treacherous Thunder Trashes Toy!

Reign, Nemesis, Shadow, Golden, and now another penultimate set of armor is rumored to be found. Our crew went on location to the site to interview Guardians and Adventurers alike on their quest for this brand new set. The sky was overcast and thunder rumbling but I took Zard-Chopper-1 into the eye of the storm. Trouble was, it was an actual storm. So, folks, we don't have much of a story on this new amazing set of armor but I can tell you that a metal helicopter flying through the air in a thunderstorm will bring lightning to strike the craft you are riding. Expect the next few weeks to have me walking on my own two feet while repairs are made. At least the camera-man did not suffer too many third-degree burns!


Excellent Eggs Evoke Exultation

Valencia fans, rejoice! There is a newly discovered species of monster called Groggles that will allow one to obtain items that will eventually be rare year round! No need to stake out Mogloween or Snugglefest or Frostvale celebrations to hunt items that you know will be rare. The anatomy of these curious creatures is such that their eggs have a chance of hatching a Groggle or an item, each generation having their own unique items. I'm not one for the study of biology but even to me this seems a little bit shifty to say the least! Seekers of items must be quick, each generation only has their specific items for at most a few weeks before a new set of items comes out!


Great Gear Gained for Gregarious Guardians and Amazing Armor Attained by All Adventurers!

Here is something for which both Guardians and Adventurers can rejoice! Yulgar's Smithy Inc. has started mass production of brand new leathers, robes, and plate armor for both adventurers and guardians. Available in the Inn or the Guardian Tower, these armors are sleek, special, and stylish, each with their own abilities! Guardians are even able to direct their defense before hand in the Guardian Tower with these new armors. Also look for weapons for your specific method of battle in either area! And remember, if it's not Yulgar's, it was probably made by someone else.


That concludes this week's Notably Novel News. Please stay tuned for the next issue where the repairs on the Zard-Copter-1 will be finished. (I hope!)


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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