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A Logo for The Zardian: We Need Your Help!
by Alac

We've seen some fine articles written by excellent authors, but there's still one thing missing: a logo for The Zardian. To that end, we've decided to hold an open contest to determine the new logo for the ezine and we need your help. Whether you know how to maneuver in Adobe Flash or you just have an opinion on what you think looks good, we can use your input. Here's how the contest will work:


Phase 1: Voting between staff submission and a “do it yourself” option.

Check out the poll made by smbdoll on The Zardian board on the forums (found under the Community section). You'll have one vote; choose from among a selection of staff-made logos or select the option “I can do better!” If you choose that option, though, please submit a logo you've designed yourself. Here's your chance to display your talent with Flash, have some fun, and help out The Zardian!


If you do choose to submit a logo, there are some things you need to be aware of and some guidelines to follow:


You MUST submit a logo in .fla format (ie, submit a logo made in a version of Adobe Flash). Logos which are not submitted in the appropriate format will not advance to Phase 2.

Pixel size does not matter with .fla's as they can be easily resized, but be careful not to make the logo too intricate or details may be lost in the resizing.


Logos must be the original work of the artist. We take plagiarism very seriously. Be prepared to prove that the logo you submitted was made by you or your entry will be disqualified.

Keep in mind, though, that just because another person's idea is similar to yours does not mean that they stole your idea. Should two similar logos be submitted, the vote will determine which should go through to the final round.


Inappropriate content will NOT be accepted. The Zardian is PG-13 and all submissions should reflect that.


Phase 2:

After Phase 1 ends, there will be a second vote from among the staff-made favorite and those submitted by the readers to determine which of the final logos will be used. The logo with the most votes will be published in future editions of The Zardian.


NOTE: Winning the contest and having your article used will not make you a member of the AE team. As with all ideas and artwork submitted on the forums, you agree to allow Artix Entertainment to use the submission as they see fit free of compensation.


Now that you have an idea of how the contest will work and what the rules are, get out there and start designing! We look forward to seeing what you come up. All entries should be emailed (with the logo entry attached) to


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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