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Editor's Note
by smbdoll

Hello, everyone. I find it's not always easy writing these editor's notes. Sometimes finding out what to say is difficult and getting the first sentence written on paper is the most tasking prospect of all. Even so, I find myself deleting much of what I've written and trying to find another, more eloquent way of getting my points across. Oftentimes, I simply scratch out entire pages as being unfit to give The Zardian readers. This time, however, I feel it important to show my understanding of how difficult creativity can be. I have such admiration for those of you that can churn out poetry and prose so eloquently, those of you that can draw as if angels guided your hands, those of you that can breathe life into your dreams and allow us others a brief glimpse of your visions. It's difficult to present great work on such a large scale, often because feedback is so unavailable. Our authors do a wonderful job, and now, we have an opportunity to help them be even better.


A new board has recently opened on the forums, a place where you can tell us what you truly think of The Zardian without the pressure of posting in a hard to find thread in the minutes before it sinks to the bottom of a forum. In the new board we can show you what we want in submissions, you can tell us what you want in articles, a cooperation can begin that will give us all the ability to contribute to the inner workings of the ezine. Best of all, we can get to know each other better. Once cooperation and communication is established, we can work together to improve The Zardian. Now is your first chance to do that. Alac has written an article concerning a contest for The Zardian's new logo. I look forward to seeing what you think of the current staff-made logos and seeing how you can do better. Please participate. If you can't draw, vote, leave feedback and enjoy yourself.


We are still looking for an artist and primary authors for the ezine. I'm proud to announce that Genoclysm has accepted our offer to become a primary author after his submission to the ezine had been considered carefully and thankful that he decided to submit an article in the first place. While your submissions might not be replied to, rest assured that they are read and appreciated. I enjoy hearing from the forum and team members and I'm eagerly anticipating what will come next. It's a joy to work with and for you.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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