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The Sweep
by Kalanyr

It’s been on our plans for months, it will likely begin within the next week or so. 


We'll be starting with Armors, then moving to Weapons, followed by Pets, Spells, Shields , Misc Items, Guests and lastly Monsters (and after Monsters we will then deal with any quests that have become far too difficult due to the changes). 


While the Sweep happens the stats on these items might change fairly significant (sometimes for the better , sometimes for the worse), when the sweep is complete most gold items might have their sellback raised to 90% for 48 hours to let people re-equip themselves (this hasn't been decided yet). At the end hopefully everything will make sense and be arranged in proper order that is in general as Level Requirement increases so does the price and power of the item. Guardian items will be lower level and slightly cheaper for their power than their non-guardian equivalents (ie they'll be slightly more powerful at the same price and level). Quest items will also be of similar nature (assuming the quest is somewhat difficult). Hopefully we can find a niche for all the currently existing items that don't really fit anywhere (How many high level Darkness weapons do we have again ?) 


In the case of monsters this should hopefully result in monsters having their power levels updated to todays standards and eliminate the disproportion in monster rewards thats happened due to inflation (there will also likely be a role that monster level plays in calculating the appropriate reward so hopefully fighting monsters close to your level will result in rewards better than picking on lower level monsters), as a caveat: Monsters you can reliably encounter (ie Quest Monsters, War bosses and such) will have slightly lower rewards to compensate for your ability to tailor your equipment to the situation perfectly (although this tailoring penalty might be reduced or eliminated for the really powerful monsters). During this you should also see many more monsters who use Mana for their attacks and most monsters will get MP similar to that of a player of their level which will hopefully make Mana Draining weapons more useful. With regard to monster rewards their will in general probably be an increase in monster rewards taken as a whole, although some monster rewards will drop (in particular the low level monster rewards will probably drop a bit). 


Z-token items will also be effected by the sweep but none of those will be nerfed, some will be buffed, some will be adjusted to better fit the current paradigm while retaining a similar overall power, and some will have their price and level increased but none will have their power decreased. 


This is essentially fair warning, if you sell your Z-token items for war rewards that are currently better, I don't want to hear about it if the item you sold gets buffed after the Sweep (as a note Z-token item sellbacks are stored on an individual basis, if Z-token items increase in price the sellback of ones you already own will not increase, so its not a good idea to try and stock up on token items in the hope of getting extras , it won't work). Likewise if you sell a weak armor/weapon/shield/whatever and it ends up being more expensive and more powerful afterwards. 


Unlike previous changes, this will likely result in changes of a large scale and as such it is unlikely we will document all changes, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will endeavor to make sure the Encyclopaeia is given the information they need as they update. 


Thank you for your understanding 

Kalanyr and the Knights of Order


Sneak Peek

Something Simple To Begin With


This is the Sneak Peek column, wheryou'll get an occasional look at planned releases and an idea of the currently planned statistics for such things.  The items presented in this column are subject to change as adjustment may need to be made after publication, but the statistics presented are accurate as of the time of this article's submission. 


This week we'll start off with something new and simple, so without further ado... 


The Banisher Whip

Item Type: Misc Item

Buy Price: 500 gold

Sell Price: 250 gold 

Turn Cost to Equip: No

Mana Cost to Equip: No 

Mana Cost to Use: No

Turn Cost to Use: No

Effect:  When the whip is equipped, clicking on the whip will remove your current guest. 

Description:  Have you ever had an unwelcome guest?  With this sturdy whip you can send them on their way!  (Click on the Whip when it is equipped to remove your current guest.) 


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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