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Meh heh heh...


Greetings Readers, and welcome to a special E-Zine version of “Ask Zorbak.” My inbox has been so full of your questions that I decided to take the opportunity to answer a few of them here while I wait for the next update at Plus, I couldn't help notice the number of people trying to muscle in on my turf... I'M the only one allowed to have opinions around here. You should be listening to me, and ONLY me. Anyone else is only a pale imitation of my superior intellect.


And on that note, on with the questions.


Weretlo asks: Dear Zorbak, why did you choose Necromancy to berserking?


First of all weretlo, don't call me “Dear.” NO ONE calls me “Dear.” Not if they want to continue living... And as to why I chose Necromancy, that's easy. I am a naturally gifted Necromancer. I was borne ebil, and when Life grants you MY level of talent and intelligence, it'd be criminal to squander it on lesser pursuits. Any fool can run around in ragged animal furs yelling “ME SMASH!” and call themselves a Berserker; only a TRUE Ebil Mastermind can call himself a Necromancer.


Soul Siphon asks: Heya Zorbak!! What program do you use to make your games?


I don't use ANY programs to make my games; I have minions to do that for me. So I could guess you could say I use a program of forced labor and torture... Well, that, and Flash.


werewolf12.0 asks: Why are you so full of yourself?


Because when you're as awesome and awe inspiring as I am, it's hard to be humble. Over the years I have claimed to be many things: ebil, intelligent, superior, charismatic, powerful, sneaky, and omnipotent to name a few. But I don't EVER recall claiming to be modest.


Finally, Waterhole asks: What made you start hating Twilly????????


Meeting him. I have hated Twilly since the moment I first met the little orange football-headed twerp. Let me tell you, having to deal with Twilly on a daily basis is enough to drive even the most level-headed Paladin to consider murder... and as a card-carrying Ebil Necromancer, I already have a head-start...


Well, folks, that's about it for now. Be sure to check out my site over at for updated “Ask Zorbak” episodes, as well as various Zorbak-Approved mini-games. The chance to punt Twilly alone makes it well worth the trip.

Ask Zorbak: Special Ezine Edition
by Zorbak


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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