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Editor's Note
by Alac

Hello again, everyone. I've got a two-part Editor's Note for you this time. Again, I'll be discussing what's been happening on the forum, but I'd also like to take a bit of time to talk about the AE IRC community.


To start with, the Elemental Championships have finished. Feel free to congratulate the winner, TormentedDragon. His character Tasha, a Sound-based Archer of the Wind element, role-played excellently. Congratulations, TormentedDragon! Varin and Kellehendros round out the Top 3. If you didn't get a chance to play in this year's EC because you aren't in the RP group, please go here to have a look at the RP Disclaimer (you'll need to send it to Cyrus):


I would also like to congratulate ReverendWyrm, the GoCA's Artist of the Month for September! You can see his Sacred Spirals gallery (including his amazing hexes) here:


Be sure to check out the Gamma (not an Alpha test, not a Beta test, but even better!) test of MechQuest, AE's newest game, which opened this past Monday, October 1st. To find out more details about the game, please see the MechQuest board:


Welcome to the AE Team's newest assistants: Genoclysm (AK for S&T), BlackPhoenix666 (AK for UCaG), and Legasee (Squire of Order). We're very happy you've agreed to come help AE out! And returning to active status for the AE forum team is Vephoma. You may remember seeing his old title, “Not a member, really!” on the rare occasions he'd post. He has returned, though, to take over for westwind as the Debate Club head mod. (Applications are being processed as I type, so for those of you eagerly awaiting notification, it's on it's way.) Westwind will remain on staff as a Knight of Order and a moderator.


In case you haven't noticed yet, there is a new board in the Community section: The Zardian board, found here: It has a thread for each article in the 'zine, plus the logo contest thread. In addition, there is a thread for your suggestions. What would YOU like to see in The Zardian? Ideas for topics for the authors or features you'd like to see the editors put in, all your ideas are welcome.


And speaking of the suggestions thread, I'd like to address two suggestions. One is that there be a Letters to the Editor article (suggested by Aq_Clyde_Df). I think that's a fine idea and, to that end, I've set up an email account where you can send your thoughts and opinions on anything AE-related. (A note, though: outright whining, complaints about game staff, and flaming will be summarily ignored.) Send your letters to: I look forward to reading them!

The second is a suggestion put forth by bballman23: AE related jokes, puns, and riddles both made up by the staff and submitted by players. What jokes and puns do you have about AE and it's games? There'll be a thread set up in The Zardian board for you to share, so look for it! I've found a punn-ish type joke that amuses me (and perhaps you'll find it funny as well). Chii, KoO and AQ Suggestions AK, uses a greet on IRC which is perfectly suited for AE's punny sense of humor. When he enters a channel, those in it see: <Aria> [Usagi] Sailor Artix! “In the name of the moon, I will pun-ish you!” Three guesses where it comes from.


And that, I think, is a very good segue into part two of the Editor's Note. While most of you are familiar with the AE forum community, there is another avenue for socializing with your fellow AQ/DF/MQ/Ebil Games players: IRC.


AE has a large presence on the Caelestia IRC network (headed, in part, by AE's Loremaster, Falerin). You'll find both official and unofficial channels there to discuss AE's games, AE's forums, and many unrelated topics. But let's keep to AE-related things for now; if you want to explore, feel free to connect to the network and investigate other, non-AE channels. If you need help getting connected to IRC, we have a board all set up for you here: If you fancy discussing tactics, weapons, monsters, or anything else game-related, just join the #battleon channel. It's there for all your in-game discussion needs. Want to hang out with other people who play AE's games but don't necessarily feel like talking about the games themselves? Check out #yulgarsinn. The Channel Ops for both the official channels are members of AE staff and will be able to help you with your questions or direct you to someone who can. There are also a number of other official and semi-official channels on the Caelestia network. Interested in the Truth saga? Check out channels like #755, #755-TotallyOOC, and #Darkabode (an RP channel). For Paxian enthusiasts, each clan has it's own channel as well as on on unity, #PaxianUnity. Also be sure to check out channels like #GoCA and #aqdaas. A list of official and semi-official channels can be found here:


In conclusion, I'd like to thank all those whose work on both the games, the forums, and AE's other projects makes all of this possible. I hope you've enjoyed this edition of The Zardian and that you post suggestions and comments on The Zardian's board.


Note: Pae was a bad gecko! She submitted an article, but I have to abridge it (and decipher the writing. Do you know how hard it is to read gecko-tracks in ink?) so I'm leaving it for next issue.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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