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Night Horror Experiment to be Conducted Mogloween Night


Battleon, Battleonia, October 28, 2007 - Important data to be collected on for the much debated origin of the Night Horror


The Night Horror and its lesser form, the Night Terror, have often been subjects of much dispute to the magiscientific community. While there are many theories that have been presented, some well known, others more obscure, there has been no conclusive evidence in regards to where these creatures actually come from. It is known that they somehow obtain sustenance from people's nightmares, causing them to grow in size and in strength, but how they were originally formed and how they reproduce is still a mystery: one that scientists hope to solve on Halloween night.


To this end, a group of volunteers have been gathered. These individuals will be submitted to nothing but the telling of horror tales the day prior to inspire their imaginations. Often times these will be augmented with illusion magics as well as sudden surprises and upsetting foods to better inspire an active imagination for the coming eve. When these individuals then retire for the night, their minds should be prone to nightmares, the perfect feeding grounds of the Night Horror.


This is the first time magiscientists have ever tried to view the Night Horrors actually feeding. With the help of cutting edge magic and Drakel technology, they hope to be able to view, tag, and track these creatures in order to study not just their behavior on a single night, but their entire lifecycles.


Adventurers are warned, however, to stay away from these creatures rather than slay them, especially close after Halloween night. It is uncertain how many Horrors and Terrors they will actually successfully tag, but it is estimated to not be more than a handful. As such, even the death of one subject could result in a dramatic loss of data.


Magiscientists promise to publish their data in semi-regular reports. They also will provide an in-depth study of the nightmares of their subjects and hopefully help conclude once and for all whether it's dreams of undead, pirates, ninjas, robots, or a combination there-of that provide the most sustenance for these mysterious beings.

Encyclopedia Battleonia
by Damselindigital


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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