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Assassin Class Sneak Peek
by Wallo and Chii

Extracts from the diary of the head of the Assassin

By Wallo


Extract from the log of Wallo, leader of the Assassin's Guild.

Ugh. That Shii. She thinks she's so high and mighty with her Yajoo Dajecki, or whatever the hell it's called, but all great assassins know that the simple elegance of the Swordfall is a much better technique. Psh. She uses her fancy foreign moves, but we all know that homegrown moves are the best. Indeed, the best of them all-- Backstab-- originated here on the main continent, not over the seas from mystical lands where they know more magic than sense or any clue of how to survive in the world relying only upon your wits. But, alas, Shii will never understand... yet, she is a great assassin. I greatly admire the way she smoothly dispatches her targets and completes her mission in record time. Indeed, she has risen through the ranks of the Assassin nearly as quickly as I did. From initiate to deputy leader... simply amazing. We entered at the same time; thus, I have been able to observe her progress. However, she cannot be co-leader until she has learned to appreciate all of the Assassin arts, not just most of them. I can't say I exactly approve of her cutesy act either; there is nothing more annoying when you are trying to plan an intricate assassination than some school-girl giggling and licking those damn lollipops all the time. She does have strengths though, and I can never be rid of her, but then again... that damn Yajeh Dijecku thing. It's demonic. Evil. Corrupt. We may do questionable work, but using the evil arts of the Netherworlds is never a good idea. Honestly. Unless you want to be eaten by things with tentacles for faces. Of course, if demons do end up marauding into Lore, then nothing so pleasant as the above will occur, but still... anyway, I'm rambling. Shii is wrong, and she needs to learn that power is not the be all and end all. Also, she can't have my gun; she says she doesn't like it, but she lies... anyway, have to dash. Duty calls.


Not the Wallo!

By Chii


Some of you have seen me talking about the greatness of the Yajuu Dageki.


What is the Yajuu Dageki, you ask?


You ask many silly questions.


What's that? You only asked one qu-- IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW MANY QUESTIONS YOU ASK! The Yajuu Dageki deems you impertinent!


The Yajuu Dageki is a class skill. It is THE class skill. SOME people don't think so. SOME people are ignorant of its greatness. People like WALLO.


You know, ordinarily, I like Wallo. I really do; he can be great, but I simply can't tolerate his distaste for the Yajuu Dageki! We go back a long way, but there are just some lines a friend can't cross... like the Yajuu Dageki.


You're STILL asking what that is? Oy oy oy...


The Yajuu Dageki is an ancient technique once practiced by the ninja, back when ninjas were cool. They're not anymore. You know why? They forbid the use of the Yajuu Dageki! They said it was “demonic,” “corrupts the soul of one who uses it,” and other meaningless babble like that. Now they won't even talk about it anymore. They say it's a “sealed art.”


Shows what they know.


Yes, it has been weakened slightly by its many years of confinement, but the seal did erode, and now the assassins have taken up the practice. Granted, lack of practice has made invoking the Yajuu Dageki a risky business, but a proper assassin will go to any means to eliminate a target.


... is what I'd like to say, but there are SOME assassins who still don't like it. Like Wallo, who's in too high of a position among the assassin guild to ignore. He just keeps going on about his silly gun. “Blah blah blah,” he says, and... um, stuff like that.


Well, I know the Yajuu Dageki is great. Oh, sure, so are the other trademark assassin abilities, like bringing death from above, vanishing into the shadows and initiating backstabs, ambushing enemies with your heightened senses... but the Yajuu Dageki is the crowning masterpiece. Either you know this, or you know nothing.


So are you with Wallo, wanting to play with silly toys, or are you with me, in the big league? Huh?


The Yajuu Dageki is great.

The Yajuu Dageki is all you need.

The Yajuu Dageki invented water.

Yajuu Dageki.

Yajuu Dageki.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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