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Editor's Note
by smbdoll

This has been one of the most interesting weeks I've been privileged to participate in with Artix Entertainment. So much is happening that I hardly know where to begin.


But begin I must and I feel I should start with one of my favorite places, the forums. This place is a treasure trove of news, community entertainment, and most of all, talent. I'd like to draw attention to Wuten's Doodles and Drawings in the Hand Crafted/Drawn Art section of the Gallery of Creative Adventurers. While the style needs a bit of fine polish, this person has talent! Keep up the good work.


In the search for good artists and authors, I spend a lot of time in the Creative galleries, but I also avidly read the RolePlaying boards as well. Currently I'm enjoying then Altars of Truth RP run by AngelLight and Soldierofthelord. It's a fascinating mix of new talents involving... well, if I told you, you wouldn't have to go read it, now would you? Trust me, it's fun and getting better as the RPers learn their characters and how to interact well with other characters.


Of course, I don't always spend my time reading the forums. That's not all I'm here for. I have the honour, no privilege, of vectoring quite a lot of work for both AdventureQuest and DragonFable. There's so much coming up with these games, that it's almost impossible to keep track of! The Creation Orb in AQ and the dragon hatching in DF are only some of the surprises that await you. As for that, those two alone are enough to excite me. Even though I've been working on the dragons at each stage and know approximately how they're going to look, I'm still anxious to see the finished product in game and hear your responses to them on the forums. I feel about as expectant as a child on Christmas Eve!


After all is said and done, it's been a crazy week for us on the AE team. With the dragons and creation orbs in work (and play) it hasn't been easy to get this Ezine set up, but thanks to the work of the authors and Alac, our primary editor, it's worked out. It's an honour to work with such professionals on a project like this. I'm looking forward to the next issue and to meeting the new authors and artists that will soon come our way.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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