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Editor's Notes
by smbdoll

This issue of The Zardian ought to be called The Issue That Almost Wasn’t. We’ve been plagued by small irritations and delays the past two weeks. After a rather successful week of finding potential authors, we narrowed our choices down to three people. Out of those three people, only varin ended up writing for the ezine. Congrats varin and welcome to the AE team. One of the others we regretfully had to ask to wait, as their forum record included a previous ban that had been incorrectly reported. Once sufficient time has passed for the ban mark to be removed, we’ll gladly reconsider her. The other candidate has a spotless record and has completed the first steps to become a team member, however, he has not been able to contact me to set up the appropriate accounts and receive assignments. While I’d dearly love to work with him, it’s impossible to assign work and receive submissions from a person I can not communicate with. If he can contact me within the next two weeks, I’m still prepared to offer him the position in time for the next ezine issue.


After these disappointments, we had a stroke of luck. Damselindigital, who was already an ArchKnight on the forums, was willing, able and ready to write for the ezine. Her articles will be starting in our next issue. We're glad to have you on the team, damselindigital.


Once we had the authors properly caged and chained to their computers, we thought the week of despair was over only for DNS servers all over Denmark to start crashing, leaving me out of touch with most of the AE staff. Fortunately, the authors did just fine without me and Alac was able to keep things coordinated. Whatever would I do without Alac? However, after crashed computers (mine) and a few trips to the hospital for injured friends (fighting is NOT an appropriate pastime in the real world), I was actually able to sit down at the computer and get the layout of the ezine finished. Here, you see the end result of a crazy week.


Game wise, everything has gone well. The baby dragons are beautiful and have finally woken up. Training them is fun and making them more powerful by the day. My baby dragon wants to focus on magic and likes the way I look in the dragonlord armor. I've also had a sneak peek at the art for MechQuest (I vector it after all) and we can look forward to a lot of cool additions to the mechs and the NPCs look GREAT! Next week, I'll have a few pencil sketches to show you.


While I haven’t been as active as I like to be on the forums, there are a few threads that I’ve really been enjoying watching. Among them are Doubleoh4's edits and comics.

These are awesome and I'm having fun reading the comics.


There is a lot to look forward to in the next few weeks and I’m looking forward to experiencing everything with you. Thank you for reading these editor's notes and we’ll see you again in two weeks.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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