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Aquella's Journal: Book 1

How do I start a journal? The very first words on the very first page of one should be special. 


Where to begin? 


If I’m going to look back at this, I want future me to remember how happy I am! 


I just came back to the Temple of Water from a trip to the surface. Samba offered to make me a bound notebook, but it would fall apart when I returned to the sea. She made a water-resistant charm for me instead. It was made of a gem from Bloodtusk and a piece of water elf jewellery. Oh I’m going to miss Samba so much. 


Normally, the Elders forbid new writing of any kind for fear of pages being lost and drifting to the surface. Only words of import and magic runes are to be carved into the stone of the Temple, and the walls have all run out of room. 


Though the location of the Temple is to be kept a secret from surface dwellers and even other Water Elves, the Elders are mainly afraid that Lady Neso will discover our location if word gets out. 


Long ago, Lady Neso voted to stay out of mortal affairs. She would be tempted to give favor and coddle us if she knew where we were. 


To this day, I’m astounded that the Temple of Water could remain hidden for so long. It’s a massive structure split into floors based on the different layers of the ocean - Twilight, Midnight and such. I prefer not to go any lower, it’s too dark even with the glowing blue runes engraved into the Temple’s walls and memorial obelisks. 


Ah, those obelisks. Samba showed me dances that honored Heroes, much like how our obelisks memorialise fallen Champions of Water. The rest of the world may have forgotten many of them. I was not allowed to speak any of this, but I did ask if Samba knew the Champions of old like Undine. She didn’t, and her excitement turned to sadness when I had to lie about not knowing anything more beyond the name. 


Our Elven magic is indeed powerful, hiding the Temple in the darkness of the sea along with its people and their songs, leaving them to be forgotten. 


Eventually, Samba and the friends I made on the surface will forget about me too. The bonds I could have formed will never come to be. 


The Temple has protected us, but it also serves as a prison. Must we hide and stifle our songs? 

Why are the elders so adamant that we keep them from reaching the surface? Surely, Lady Neso would not be so easily tempted.


Oh, I’ve gone and made the first entry so depressing. I wanted this to be a collection of good memories. 


But I did have one last kind encounter on the surface! Somehow, I lost the charm Samba gave me on the beaches of Ashray. In the middle of the night, I emerged to search and a woman saw me. She found Samba’s charm and returned it, asking if I would like a warm drink on such a cold night. I was so tempted, and she had such kind eyes. One blue as the sky and the other a crimson rose. 


With a heavy heart, I declined and she waved goodbye as I dove back into the sea. The woman didn’t share her name but like the others I met on my trip, I won’t forget her, 


Life is full of chance meetings, many with those we see once and never again. Every one of them is precious as a pearl. Even if I am forgotten, I’ll close my shell and protect these memories forever. 


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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