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Aquella's Journal: Book 3

This is my third journal entry, and I’ve already returned to recording dour thoughts. 


I couldn’t keep those thoughts to myself. The Delphyne Oracle noticed that my spirits had fallen since I returned. She said these bitter feelings will hurt less if we shouldered them together. 


So, I told her about my worries. I love the songs my mother and father taught me. I love the gentle singing of my ancestors, who live on with their voices set in the stone of our home. But it’s still bothering me. Just how powerful are the calming effects of our songs if they could calm Lady Neso’s temper? Why did she need those songs in the first place?


The Oracle was hesitant at first, but concluded that I was strong. I was strong enough to make ventures outside and learn more about the world in person. That knowledge saved her life and the life of her child when illness ravaged our people. 


She was sure that I would be strong enough to accept the truth. 


Our songs are a weapon, one of many that were created during the Planar Conflict; when the eight avatars fought to subsume Lore into their Plane. 


I thought that the Plane of Darkness was the only one capable of such a catastrophe because something terrible had happened to it. 


The reality is that the Avatars didn’t just carve Lore into what it is today. Each of them wanted their Plane to consume Lore. 


Lady Celeritas wanted to flood the universe with unending light, Lord Tremblor would rule a terraformed reality in his image. Lady Neso wanted an endless sea. All of them tried to expand their Planes by taking Lore, not just Lord Voidstar. Darkness just happened to be the first to achieve the power to do so. 


These old wishes are now a mark of shame among the Avatars. Through their Champions and worshippers, they realised the pain they would cause if they pursued their own Greed instead of balance. 


Though the Avatars have changed and grown because of the connections they made, this doesn’t change the fact our songs were meant to harm! They were originally composed to attract Neso’s enemies into the sea, lull them to sleep, and drown them. The songs are so effective that they could pacify Lady Neso and the denizens of the Water Plane. 


If our home was left unguarded, the songs would go out of control and lure the living to a watery grave in droves! 


Is this why we keep our homes a secret, even from the Avatar Neso herself? The Elders said we hide ourselves so Lady Neso would not be tempted to interfere with mortal affairs - a decision all of the Avatars promised to uphold. 



Was that a lie? 


I asked the Oracle about the other weapons hiding in our home. Were they worse than the malicious songs Lady Neso drove her worshippers to compose? 


The Oracle wanted me to consider what it was like during the Planar Conflicts, and how Lady Neso also wanted to protect us from Darkness. 


During the final years of the Planar Conflict, the Plane of Darkness suddenly gained a massive amount of power. Strange Darkness Elementals emerged and wreaked havoc. One was as vast as the night sky, and could swallow entire continents. 


Lord Voidstar, despite his newfound power, couldn’t control his strange and hateful elementals. He retreated to his Plane in an attempt to prevent further destruction. Lord Voidstar no longer wanted his Plane to turn the universe into a waste of black emptiness, but did not have the ability to completely stifle its hunger. 


It left everyone else to contend with those dreadful alien-like elementals. The Oracle defended Lady Neso’s character by explaining this is why she had her followers create weapons. It was for their own protection. 


But the more I learn about Lady Neso, piecing these secrets with existing folk tales of Alutea and the recent history of the Embersea, I wonder…


Did Lady Neso want to protect us? Or was she envious and threatened by how powerful Lord Voidstar had become. Through fear, he became revered. Infamous. 


No, I shouldn’t paint everyone in black and white. The answer could very well be both. People are complicated, and so are the Avatars. Each person is as deep as an ocean, with their own moments of darkness. 


Before I make any further judgements, I need to convince the Oracle to show me the other weapons. If the songs are here, then there could be others deeper into the abyss. 


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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