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Lore Scrolls from The City of Dreams

Orpheum Elemental 


Orpheum is a metal found only in the dream realm. As a dreaming metal, the ore itself is sentient, and tends to form itself into living elemental beings. Armor and weapons made from this ore are thought to be intelligent as well, and said to enhance the wearer’s ability for dream magic. Rarely, a hyper-concentrated variant called Dreamstone can be found, though the properties of this mineral have not yet been fully studied. 


Nightmare Skull 


Nightmare Skulls are said to be the souls of those who have died while dreaming. Some people theorize that if you could awaken their minds, they would become sentient beings again, and might even take on a different, more lifelike form. But as of now, no one has yet been successful in their attempts to accomplish this. 




Their name makes them sound like creatures of nightmare, but everyone loves a Nightspore. They’re cute, they can light up a dark room, and they even taste good! Some people believe that they would be useful as livestock or even as companions, but taming them has proven very difficult. Perhaps if someone were to raise a few from birth, they would have better results. 




Nightwyrms are one of the few truly dangerous creatures in the realm of Dreams. They hide under the ground, and burst through to devour anything that is unfortunate enough to come too close. They kill indiscriminately, dream and nightmare alike, and even the darkest of nightmares will team up with a dream creature who wants its help taking one down. 


Dream Fairy 


Dream Fairies may be adorable, but their beauty only goes skin deep. They are a librarian’s worst nightmare! Dream Master Jana has had to transcribe copies of SO many books that these pests have eaten — and all by hand! If that isn’t bad enough, if one tries to swat one of them away from a book that it’s nibbling on, it will bite. And let me tell you, those teeth are deceptively sharp! 

Dream Larva 


It is easy to mistake Dream Fairies for friendly, whimsical beings, but one look at their larval stage will disabuse even the most optimistic of that notion. Some say that these horrifying creatures came into being after a morbid science-fiction artist had a particularly vivid dream. Others insist that he was in a lucid state while he dreamt, and sculpted these larvae from pure Nightmare. 


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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