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Prince Drakath’s Journal

Do you know who I am? 




No. Of course not. Your pathetic mind cannot fathom the suffering I endured to arrive at this moment.


Do you know who I was in the long forgotten days before I became, this… the Champion of Chaos? You have no idea who or what I am. I was Drakath! … the exiled Prince, … leader of the Dark Wolf Bandits. Hahahaha!! … I was even the Darkness Dragon.


This is my story. 


My name is Drakath. I was a Prince. Not just any prince. My Father was the greatest King who ever lived. I was not born until after he had united the kingdoms. But I read the stories his Loremasters wrote. 


Before my Father became King, the entire world was engulfed in war. Monsters and humans were locked in a deadly and meaningless war for land and the treasures they held. But my Father did what no other man was capable of! He created an alliance of the monsters and defeated the armies of the humans. 


He slew the hypocritical Knights of Good, defeated the Frogzard riders, and bravely hunted down evert last DragonLord. 


His Alliance of Underlords included Vampires, Necromancers, Death Knights, Monstrous Warlords, Pyromancers, Mummies and many other rightful rulers. He evenly divided the world between Underlords. 


His wisdom ended the fighting and suffering. With all but the royal and deserving humans rightfully enslaved, the world was at peace. 


My childhood was typical. Servants and guards attended my every need. Each night there was a feast in the great hall. Monstrous gladiators would battle and slay criminals, the poor and traitors for our entertainment. I very seldom left the Castle. On the rare occasion my Father requested I accompany him, we rode in the command carriage of his army of 10,000 loyal shadow knights. 


My destiny was to inherit my Father’s throne. I was to become King of the entire world. All of his power and riches were to be mine. 


But then THE TRAITOR appeared and ruined everything….


He was a peasant named Alden. The guards whispered of his bravery and skill with a sword after he saved a worthless peasant girl. The fools. I warned my father that it went against everything he taught me to grant a peasant slave the rank of a Knight. But he dismissed my pleas, insisting that having a hero would keep the sheepish masses sedately hopeful. 


It was the only mistake my Father, the King, ever made. He dubbed that peasant trash, “Sir Alden the Knight”.


The newly Knighted Alden was eager to aid the Kingdom with his new status. My Father, satisfied with his publicity stunt, arranged to station him on the furthest outreaches of the Kingdom. He sent him far away from the castle where he would be no trouble. However, during Alden’s journey there he caused countless acts of treason! 


Rumors started spreading that he was slaying the very Underlords and Slave Traders he was sent to protect! My Father ordered his execution. We belly laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. 


But I was there on the terrible day my Father received the news the messenger returned with. The Knight Alden had freed the slaves and was forging them into an army to overthrow the Alliance of Underlords. We laughed again — humans defeating monsters? Impossible! 


One by one the Underlord’s territories fell to the sword of the traitor’s uprising. Alden did not lead his rebellion alone. At his side was undefeated Swordsman, Valen and the so-called Champion of Light, Lynaria. My Father’s alliance was destroyed and the remaining Underlords fled and hid. 


Then, Alden’s rebellion laid siege to the drawbridge of my home. 


Can you imagine my terror and disbelief? How could one man be capable of this? One man was about to destroy everything my Father created, and… my entire future. 


In an act of desperation, my Father gathered his dark wizards in the forbidden vault of the Monster Queen. I had never seen the room before. No one had. It was my Father’s most closely guarded secret. I was ordered not to even glance at the far side of the vault. Like all of my Father’s orders, I followed them without question. 


I swore I could hear the beautiful voice of a woman. But before my Father, the greatest King who ever lived could finish whatever ritual he had started… Alden and his lackeys forced their way into the vault. 


I had never seen my Father in combat before. His strength and speed surprised me. It was inhuman. As if my father had become a Monster himself. The Monster King! He dueled Alden in a fierce battle. But in the end, Alden’s magical sword hurled my Father into the far wall. The wall crumbled and the ceiling caved in, sealing away whatever forbidden sights had been there. Alden saw that my father still lived and offered him his life should he surrender… the insolence! My Father would never surrender! NEVER! 


And he didn’t. My father retreated with me and his most loyal followers while Sir Alden, Lynaria, and Sir Valen rode on, secure in the knowledge they had won. The fools. They planned to begin rebuilding Dreadhaven… which they named Swordhaven. 


… There were more battles. More deaths… 


After it was all over, I was 10 years old. My destiny… my birthright… my entire world… was about to be destroyed by a traitor peasant. I wish I had known then what I know now. Maybe I could have stopped it. Maybe I would be King.


They declared that fool, Alden, King, and he became King Alteon the First. 


I don’t know which turns my stomach more — that they put a crown on his head, or that in his “mercy” he did not have me executed. I was exiled. 


It became forbidden to even speak my Father’s name. He was dubbed the “Unnamed King.” “The Tyrant King,” “the Monster King” or as most jokingly took to saying, “Slugwrath.” It should be no surprise to you… my Father gave me his own name. Yes, it is a crime to simply speak my name. 


Not killing me was a mistake. I’ll make sure Alteon and his entire kingdom know it. 


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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