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The ArchMagi: History Revealed 
by Beleqwaya Melamin

Years ago, in a time beyond the memory of mortals, there existed many different forms of magic. However, time and trials have withered that knowledge, and many of these ancients forms were lost, with the dead being the only ones that still keep the secrets.


However, there are records of a very powerful sect of Magi that distinguished themselves above others in ancient times. They roved the lands of Lore, seeking new magical techniques, and teaching others how to grasp and channel the flows of energy around them.


Their continuous journeying around Lore made them grow in popularity, especially since many of the mages that the trained grew into powerful mages themselves.


However, as they grew in fame, they took a name to themselves and began to hide their secrets further and further within their own guild. They stopped teaching young men and women how to channel magic, and instead focused on learning ancient and hidden arts and practices.


Eventually the outside world knew of only two things: the name of the mystic group, and that they wielded powers beyond imagination.


This group called themselves the ArchMagi, and they were determined to be the most powerful group of Mages in history.


After the ArchMagi turned their guild into a secretive order, they realized that they still had to increase their numbers by training and introducing new mages into the guild. Failure to do so would cause their order to dwindle, and so hiding themselves away forever would be folly.


However, they no longer wanted anyone who was not an ArchMage to know of any of their hidden arts. Instead, they began teaching only the basics of magic crafts to prospective mages, while offering any talented mages a position in their guild.


So powerful and respected were the ArchMagi, that kings and lords often enlisted their aid. Records exist of large sums of gold and artifacts, worth a small kingdom in itself, being paid for the services of the most powerful of the ArchMagi.


The power was expensive to buy, but a single ArchMage on the battlefield could turn the tide of battle.


However, at some point, over a thousand years ago, there exists an abrupt end to any records of this group and of any accounts of dealing with others as well. At this time, there are mentions to some great force, but no details are ever given.


It is believed that it was at this time that The'Galin the Devourer visited Lore, and the devastation that was wrought brought about a cataclysmic end to any powerful groups that attempted to stop the unstoppable.


Regardless of what happened, it appeared great damage was done.


Centuries passed like seasons after the destruction of Lore. Something had cleaned the world of much of its life. But not all of the life was wiped out, and some of the ancient knowledge that was physically recorded and stored in secured places was recoverable.


Civilization had slowly been brought back to reign, and cities had once again sprung up. Guilds and groups arose to lead and govern. And magic returned. Magic had not died, but it had been weakened considerably. Many magi had either fled or died fighting.


The return of magic to its original strength was championed by a few strong mages - young in their years, but powerful. They were not well known, in fact most had never been heard of, but their strength could not be denied.


The people of Lore referred to this type of mage as an Archmage, since the individuals showed the strength of the group previously known by that name.


It was at this time in history that the name ArchMage deviated from its original meaning, and was replaced by the title Archmage.


The ArchMagi had hidden their knowledge very carefully and spread out. As more and more years went by, their stories were not told, and slowly the name they held was no longer associated with them at all.


The ArchMagi were no more, and from the ashes of their glory had risen nothing more than a title. A title of power, knowledge, and high respect no doubt; but a title nonetheless.


Gone was the passing of secrets and spells. Gone were the musings of the Masters. Gone were the lessons of the acolytes. The memory of the ArchMagi had vanished.


But while the ArchMagi had been forgotten, to someone who looked hard, lore of them could still be found - despite the difficulty. Records of this group were mostly in some long forgotten tomes buried deep within the earth, dusty archives of the oldest libraries, and with the elusive Drakel scholars. These scholars were not particularly fond of giving out information, and even if they did they offered very little.


It was from these buried records and accounts that the existence of the ArchMagi, information of some of their spells and structures, and the accounts of devastation were learned.


One particularly interesting letter was located. It was obviously hastily scrawled, and found on a reading table in an otherwise empty tomb that had been sealed off.


The letter was unauthored, and undated, although it appeared to be ancient.


This vault, and all others, must be sealed, although most accounts have already been destroyed. Today, the ArchMagi of our time will be finished. We could not save ourselves or anyone else. But we did discover a way to preserve the true knowledge of our group, although the chance of success is small. Small pieces of information will be very spread out - but only as much as can be left without drawing any but the proper person. For the ArchMagi to return, the long-lived mages must seek and share both knowledge and power together.

While little is known about the artifacts that are found around Lore from ancient times, they are known to possess significant power.


One of the ancient structures that the ArchMagi crated were called “Focus Sites”.


Focus Sites appear to be the only structures found in various places in Lore that all have exactly the same architecture, and do not change in their construction or decoration at all.


How to use these Focus Sites has not been re-discovered as of yet, although other information has been learned.


The Focus Sites were large stone platforms with steps coming up the center of one side. The top of the platform had intricate runic designs engraved deeply into them.


As well, the sites have been found to be protected with a number of long standing magical enchantments around them. The enchantments are still very powerful, but due to their age they can eventually be bypassed by a mage of enough skill.


The purpose of the sites is simple. The platforms channel natural convergences of magical energy, and were able to focus this flow into one spot - allowing the user to draw more power for highly complicated spells, and to sustain them longer.


The prospect of finding the knowledge of such a powerful group is a goal often considered unattainable by all but the most dedicated scholars, despite the fact that the discovery of any of their wisdom would be a discovery of monumental proportions.


Maybe the secrets of these times are lost for good, or maybe luck may aid in finding it. Whatever happens, should any of their hidden spells, tomes, or techniques to operate their devices be learned, it will be a discovery of unseen magnitude that will be talked about for ages to come.


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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