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A restoration and transcription of the recovered and damaged pages of the journal of Voyna, the Angel of Azaveyr. Transcribed by Loremaster Teka.



There were only a few pages recovered that were not damaged beyond recovery. It is likely that there were many more entries in this journal that simply no longer exist. As a result, the entries here are listed in order, although significant amounts of time may have passed between them.

Entry 1


Three dragons flew over the town today, toward the coastal settlements. I thought they were majestic, but Yarek thinks it's a "show of force". Or maybe, Yarek, maybe the dragons wanted to go for a swim in the ocean! Grandfather says that back in his day, before the eruption, we wouldn't have stood for something like "this", whatever that means, and that we should pray to the Avatars.

Entry II


I graduated warrior training today. Yarek came by after his mage ceremony, but he seemed distant. He kept muttering that he was right, that the dragons were up to something. I asked around, and apparently one of the speakers at the mage ceremony gave an impassioned speech decrying the rule of the dragons. Yarek always liked Grandfather's old stories, but now I worry.


My mask is


Transcriber's Note: The rest of this entry could not be recovered.

Entry III


They flew past in the night, and attacked the coastal towns. Many ships were lost before the dragons were taken down. Yarek and I have been called to arms. Yarek is ready, and so am I.

Entry IV


Yarek was captured in the last battle. I couldn't protect him. We slay the few we can and the settlements are safe for now, but it takes so many of us to stop so few of them. There's talk of returning to the old lands, across the sea, in search of something, anything, among the ruins that could turn the tide.

Entry V


We managed to free many prisoners today in a surprise assault on one of the dragons' caves. Yarek was among them. We barely recognized each other. Least of my worries. In the battle, a dragon mangled my leg real bad. With magic, I can stand and walk, but I'd have to make it back to the settlements to get proper treatment.

Entry VI


We're not going home. We've gotten word that a team of high ranking mages has set out across the sea to scour the ruins for something that could stop the dragons. We're supposed to slow the dragons down until that happens. Yarek smiled again today. I haven't told him the news yet.

Entry VII


It's just us, the injured and weakened left to buy time for our people. "Heroes." We are to hold this mountain pass until our bones give out. Yarek is taking this well. He's making jokes. What's left of my leg hurts.

Entry VIII


Had the dream again. I, victorious over the dragons, my body whole, my people saved. But there is little time to dwell on such fantasies. The dragons are coming, and my duty calls.


Transcriber's Note: This seems to be the final entry of the journal that was found.

Entry ???

Written by two different hands. The first is not Voyna's, while the second matches the rest of the journal's entries.


Style One

The winds of winter

come warmed by dragon fire.

I prefer the cold.


Style Two

The weather is nice.

Yarek should just relax more.

Five syllables here.


Style One

Spring brings forth a calm.

Truly a beautiful sight.

And not just flowers.


Style Two

Shove it, Yarek.

The Journal of Voyna, the Angel of Azaveyr
Select Transcriptions of Recovered Writings, by Loremaster Teka


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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