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Thyton, Jonin of the Shadow of the Wind Village on Sho'Nuff island is in search of a hero that will adventure for the glory of his ninja clan!


Chapter 1 - The Kessel Run


Thyton, leader of the Shadow of the Wind Clan, had need of a hero to help in the fight against the pirates of Sho'Nuff Island. The Kessel, a ship enchanted with wind magic to move faster than any other ship ever built, was built to break the pirate blockade and help the ninja village survive.


Chapter 2 - The Hunt Begins!


The ninjas of the Shadow of the Wind Village and the pirates of Osprey Cove were fighting over the Jewel of the Four Winds. The Jewel would give the bearer control over the winds and, thus, control over the sea! It lay hidden for ages in the Ruins of Kordana until it was stolen by the Prince Drakath.


The remains of an ancient mech and its AI, Kordana, revealed that the Jewel of the Four Winds was its power source and Orb of Wind. Kordana also warned that the power of the Wind Orb in the wrong hands... would be disastrous, and that Drakath was headed north.


Chapter 3 - Return the Scrolls


Drakath headed north, to the Lair of Okuchi No Okami, a devil fox and one of the oldest foes of the Shadow of the Wind Clan. Thyton tasked his hero with the recovery of the Wind Scrolls and the Jewel of the Four Winds.


Okuchi No Okami tried to bribe the hero with information about Prince Drakath but the hero refused to betray the Ninja Clan and, after a fierce battle, the devil fox was defeated and the Wind Scrolls safely returned to the village.


Chapter 4 - Walk Through Fire


Drakath lay hidden in the volcanic caves on the northern shore of the island while waiting for word from his master, Sepulchure. The Hero fought him for the Wind Orb but was defeated when Drakath managed to somehow unlock its elemental dragon power for a single, devastating attack. Before Drakath could finish of the hero, though, the power of the Wind Orb carried him away.


Chapter 5 - The Jewel of the Four Winds


The Wind Orb carried Prince Drakath to center of the Shadow of the Wind Village. The Sneenja army of Okuchi No Okami, led by the devil fox himself, was marching south towards the village. While Thyton led the villagers to safety, the hero needed to defend the home of their ninja clan.


Prince Drakath, unable to unlock the power of the Wind Orb, was soundly defeated and fled into the night, leaving the hero alone to face the devil fox who had stolen the Wind Orb from Drakath during his defeat. Okuchi No Okami was no match for the hero, though.


Chapter 6 - Honda's Accord


Honda, the Iron-Fisted Giant, was awakened with the power of the Wind Orb. Only the hero and their dragon could defeat the ancient guardian of the village and his iron fists!


The power of a DragonLord and their Dragon kept the Shadow of the Wind Village safe and recovered the power of the Wind Orb from the hands of evil.

The Wind Orb - Shadow of the Wind Village
Authored by Loremaster Hije


“Who wills, Can. Who tries, Does. Who loves, Lives.”
~ Anne McCaff
rey, Dragonflight

The Zardian is a legacy community project distinguished from Artix Entertainment. The project is strictly for educational purposes. All assets and property rights belong to Artix Entertainment, LLC. All wrongs avenged by Zorbak and his ebil minions! 

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